Direction of Installment: Grasp cord in one hand; grasp tube in the other.
Pull out the cord slowly while turning the tube in a counterclockwise (twirling) motion, Cap will pop out, Remove the thumbtack from the top of the cap and save it for hanging. Discard cap.
Remove completely from the tube or let the tube dangle from the strip as the anchor. Hang with a thumbtack or cord. When the strip is full of flies control is achieved, remove from the hanging device and discard.
Installment Time: Immediately after a few days of transplantation.
Shelf Life: When largely covered by insects and/or debris
Mode of Action: The glue traps the flies.
Precautions: Don't remove the outer cover of the trap before proper installment as the glue exposes and causes unwanted sticking to the hands.
Recommended Crops: Vegetables, Flowers, CerealsPest Controlled: Small Flies, Aphids, thrips, white flies, leaf miners, etc.Installment Site: At the borders and between the plants and rows of..